A few baseball thoughts...first, congrats to the Little Leaguers from Worcester! They had a great run, and did it w/ skill and class- nice job, guys! As for their major league counterparts...I should say that I'm not a huge baseball fan (probably cuz I was never a very good baseball player!)- don't get me wrong, I follow it, and I certainly enjoy seeing the Sox do well, but it doesn't hold the appeal for me that football, basketball, even hockey, hold...but this apparently impending strike by the players...I don't begrudge them trying to earn as much as they can as fast as they can. But neither do I begrudge the owners in (finally) taking a stand against some of the more exorbitant demands made upon them by their employees, the players. Yes, the owners were/are the ones dumb enuf to pay these outrageous salaries, particularly when they are paid, not to the true superstars in the game, but to relatively average ballplayers. The owners are the ones taking the biggest risk, putting up much of their money to pay the salaries, build the parks, etc...The owners have more at stake than any individual ballplayer, and as such should have the latitude of deciding how their monies, and profits, are allocated. The folks I feel bad for are, obviously, the die-hard baseball fans, but even moreso, the folks who make a living off of the game, the ticket-takers, ushers, sausage and souvenier vendors, the staffs at restaurants and bars around ballparks, etc...folks without minimum 6-figure plus contracts, whose livelihoods will be adversely affected by a players strike. (And BTW- do these players have a clue of what they're doing to their "profession"? Another strike in less than 10 years, when many franchises haven't recovered fully from the last one, and with the start of the NFL season right around the corner? Talk about alienating your fan base...at this rate, Little League may BE the only baseball fans care about!) And let's hope Tedy Bruschi's knee heals quickly! :)
"Put me in coach, I'm ready to play, today..."