ALL FOR NAUGHT- AGH!!! DESPITE playing 3 1/2 quarters of very uninspired football in an extremely meaningful game, my Patriots rallied late to tie and, in overtime, defeat the Miami Dolphins in a game we absolutely HAD to win to maintain playoff viability. But dammit- today, of all days, the league-leading Green Bay Packers had to pick a game to mail it in, losing badly to the New Jersey Jets, giving the Jets the AFC East title and knocking the Pats (and the Dolphins) out of playoff contention. Dang...
Anyway...I hope everyone has enjoyed the holidays, whichever ones you celebrate! My Christmas was quite nice, thank you :) Now it's on to '03...First, I hope we see a much more peaceful year, one where situations resolve so that loved ones aren't put in harm's way, where despots and international criminals are done in by their own lack of cunning and their victims find justice. And I hope we see a more prosperous year, one in which talented, honest, hard-working folks can thrive from the fruits of their labors, improving their lives and giving back as they can...I've never been much for resolutions or such, they seem so limiting or final, but there are several things I'd like to do or at least make more progress on in the coming year; many of them overlapping and/or dependent one upon the other...professionally, I need to make some real changes. Much of this, of course, is dependent upon how the economy performs in '03. Money is important, earning a decent living, but also enjoying a better overall quality of life, more creative fulfillment in what I do, a better sense of purpose, of direction, in what I'm doing and where I'm going; also, having/creating more of an opportunity to have a much more active social life than I have recently...personally, I want to become more pro-active, more passionate, more focused, more driven, in everything I do. Too often I let myself get into a comfort zone, where I'm, well, comfortable, but seldom challenged to my limits. I know of one person who, in this regard, I'd like to pattern myself after a bit; she always has several irons in her various fires, always has something new and interesting going on to keep her challenged and growing, is seldom afraid to take a chance or make a needed change or, if she is, possesses the courage to overcome her fears and trepidations. Actually, many of the people in my life frequently live with more passion, more daring, than I; it's a trait I admire, and need to incorporate more into my life. And in some way, I'd like to be able to "give something back" or "pay it forward" as it were. I'm not sure of the impression I give, but I can be a fairly shy, introverted person, it's sometimes difficult for me to reach out/help out in the way I'd like. But to do some things, large or small, for those less fortunate than I, might give me more of that sense of purpose I referenced above ...physically, I have to get back at it hard! The last month or so, with the knee problem, a bit of bursitis I'd experienced in my shoulder, as well as the weather, have all kept me from working out as hard and committedly as I had. And that, coupled with holiday eating and drinking (a lil too much of that over the last month and a half, sigh), has caused me to- agh!- put on a little weight! I enjoy being fit, the feeling of it as well as how I look when I really have the whole thing, proper diet and exercise, going on! I need to eat much more cleanly again- for me, that means cutting back on the carbs and increasing the protein (I've been adding more soy products; milk, nuts, etc..., to my diet over the last year or so, along with the fish, cottage cheese, lean meats, protein bars, nuts, etc...), drinking plenty of water, and so on. Besides easing back into running and getting my mileage back to where it was, I want to get much more cut and defined- #1 priority, working my abs harder! They're always the hardest body part for me to train :( But also getting more lean, cut, and defined overall. Also, and it's sorta vain maybe, but I want to gain some added strength this year as well; I may not be able to bench press a Buick, but I would like to push a little more weight than I currently can. Two other items here- I want to play a little more basketball again, and also take (or more appropriately, re-take!) up tennis!...Re. this website, I plan to re-design it, make it more visually appealing, easier to navigate, hopefully add more features, keep it fresher, and more than ANYTHING, add newer pics FAR more frequently (once I lose my holiday weight gain, natch! :)...Relationship-wise, I wish to find more time to nurture and grow them, both old and new. I have known, and I do know, many fun, interesting, quality people. There are several longtime friendships that, for various reasons- mostly of my doing, or undoing- have withered, and I wish to do far more to re-invigorate them if at all possible. There are also several newer relationships that I hope to strengthen and deepen, and I know there are people I have yet to meet that will yet have an impact upon me! (Part of that is going to have to include becoming more outgoing, less introverted or shy, developing greater self-confidence.) Sadly, there are also a couple of relationships that, most likely, won't see '04. One is a very longtime friendship I've had that, for far too long now, I've seemed to have been the only one putting any real effort into keeping alive. Another isn't nearly that old, but has gone similarly. I can be intensely loyal, persistant, stubborn even, but unless things begin to change on their respective ends these will most likely end this year...TG-wise (betcha didn't think I was gonna get to this, didya?! :) I need to gain a better idea of where I'm going. Each year has seemed to draw me further and further down this road (even if its only been at 2 MPH!) In some ways, I'm at a point where I may be more able to take it a bit further, creating an increasingly more fulfilling and "real" life this way, trying to further synthisize or fuse all of my various interests, attitudes, views, personas and personality quirks, etc...(part of this may include some small "identity" changes, so stay tuned! :) There are a few T folks I know who have done this in a manner I'd like to, but of at least equal importance still is how this might play out with family, longtime friends, etc...Overall, come late '03, I'd like to see me be a MUCH more full, fulfilled, complete person, conquering obstacles, fears, and apprehensions, living with added passion and purpose, making things happen for me rather than letting things happen to me! Hope these don't sound TOO much like resolutions! Cheers :)
"Well its alright now/I learned my lesson well/You see you can't please everyone/So you've gotta please yourself..."