Permit me another somewhat self-indulgent post tonite? (Hey, it's my blog and I can whine if I want to! ;) Actually it's not a whine so much as just some thoughts on, what any reader of this perverse lil thing knows, is a perennial subject.
Loyalty. A friend of mine recently helped me to realize how, if not destructive, counter-productive my too-strong sense of loyalty to others can be to me. Briefly, a mutual acquaintance of ours is going thru some difficult times right now. But this acquaintance (and we've each known this person for close to ten years now) quite frankly had treated me pretty poorly for a fairly extended time. Yet, because in the past this person was quite kind to me, my sense of loyalty to this person over our shared past served to keep me suffering the "slings and arrows" as it were of this person's more recent shabby treatment toward me. My friend made it clear how wrong this was, and how useless it was to me; clearly our shared acquaintance has had no consideration of me, my loyalty and care and consideration toward this person going unappreciated, indeed, almost spit upon.
I've had a few other reasons to re-consider my strong sense of loyalty. Too many people have just proven not worthy of that level of, well, loyalty. Interestingly, it has been more recent friends who have proven this way; longer-time friends, even those I don't have as much contact with as I'd like or used to, nevertheless have usually been there for me (as I have been for them.) Some of the people whom I've met via this website and tried to maintain some sort of relationship with have proven unworthy of that, or almost any, significant level of loyalty or consideration; even such simple things as returning a call or email or IM seem to be beyond some of them. It's not about me being "clingy" or "needy"; if need be, I can be as cold and calculating as anyone you may ever meet (I try not to be anymore, I spent too much time that way), but rather, it's about some level of reciprocity, of mutual respect and consideration. The people in my life who are capable of that, THOSE are the ones worthy of my loyalty; for those who can or are not, you're on notice! ;) Seriously, I probably do need to put my feelings and such first more than I do. I'm not, and never have been, anyone's doormat, it's not about that sort of thing, but more, expecting, and not settling for less than, some level of reciprocity, of consideration, of me. For those who cannot handle this, hey, I'll be pleasant toward ya, but don't expect me to extend myself any longer to a level YOU'RE not willing to reach for.
"You and I travel to the beat of a different drum..."