Odds and sods...First, I wanna thank Karin for her sweet gift! That was soooooooooo thoughtful, now I can be Grey Sueded for a l-o-n-g time; thanks, girl! :) And I hope the electromagnetic thingamajig didn't screw up anyone's electronics, etc...
Had my first "Driver's Alcohol Education," ie- drunk school- thing today. If the humiliation of arrest, court appearance, probation, ma$$ive fines, fees, insurance increases, etc...isn't enough to persuade one to not drink and drive, attending one of these classes should be. Picture the worst ABC Afterschool Special combined with some vintage 70's-era "group therapy" and you get the picture. WHAT possess some- no, almost all- of thse folks to divulge a litany of their lives' woes, misfortunes, etc...FAR beyond the scope of a drunk driving arrest/sentence/rehabilitation program?! Folks- this is NOT, repeat, NOT, an AA session. Maybe it's me- by nature, I'm a sorta reserved person, I keep a fair amount to myself unless/until I get to know someone better, particularly things of a more personal/embarrassing nature, I'm not comfortable divulging a LOT about myself face-to-face with a group of strangers, there IS something to be said for discretion, for restraint, for modesty, but in this day and age of the Oprahization of America...(And more strangely still- of all the tales I heard, yikes, my life, transgendered and all, is relatively mundane, I almost felt like I was missing out on something; no tales of alcoholic parents, abused childhood, spousal/SO difficulties, etc...Don't get me wrong, I'm fortunate and grateful that I haven't had to endure any of those, but had I, I wouldn't be quick to lay it all out to a group of strangers assembled because we drove after having had one or more too many...but that's just me...) Anyway, 15 or so more weeks to go.
But I do often feel badly that, in so much of my life, I feel as tho' I've disappointed those I care about. Be it family, close friends, others, in so many ways, I often feel like I've let folks down bigtime. Not simply, or even all that much, related to my recent OUI thing, but in many of the ways I've let my life go. There is SO much more I had hoped to have accomplished by now, certainly far more along in a rewarding career, doing something that I enjoy, am talented at, that leaves me more time to spend with family and friends and resume some semblance of a social life, even more money, too! But beyond that, I often truly feel bad that I have not been able to make the time to spend with people I care for and about more- certainly romantically but also just friends. I've lost and feel as tho' I've let down so many friends over the last several years now, slowly but surely, simply because I've seldom had the means/time to attend to those friendships as I should have and would have liked. It really hurts me. And re. "this:" I'm not ashamed of this, but, if/when I need or choose to reveal this to more of those close to me, I would like it to be of my choosing, in a well-thought out, wholesome, intentional manner. I have to treat people better, be more thoughtful of others.
And I have a bit more on my mind recently as well...my mother goes for some tests Friday for what could possibly (and I've been praying it is not) be a serious lung problem (yes, she foolishly smokes and has for much of her adult life.) I've always had a great relationship with her, I care about her more than anyone else in this world. I just hope and pray for the best.
Gee, I guess I DO come off just like my fellow drunk school groupies, huh?!
"Good friends we have, oh, good friends we've lost, along the way/In this great future, you can't forget your past, so dry your tears I say..."