I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving! Mine was nice, relaxing, spent with family, yummy meal :) It sounds trite, but I know I have quite a bit to be thankful for...sometimes I lose sight of how blessed I've been fortunate to be in so many ways...fortunate to be surrounded with good people, family and friends...sometimes, as this has almost always been the case with/for me, I forget that there are many folks out there who do not have these, who do not benefit from what is too often too easy to take for granted when one does have them, people who, to quote Bill O'Reilly (excellent new book of his that I've just finished, BTW- and no, not much in the way of politics, for those who don't share, or have never taken the time to understand, Bill's views) are "looking out for me." I struggle to think of more than one person whom I have ever been pretty close with who really wasn't a good, solid person, who wasn't "looking out for me" (as I look out for them as well.)...Almost all of the negative things that have happened to me over the years I can place at my feet, not on others taking advantage of me or anything...I feel for those who either don't have any/many people in their lives, or who have surrounded themselves with toxic, self-centered people...there are many things we can't control in life, but one of the things we can is whom we choose to associate with, and when they are good people, it is a blessing, something to be thankful for!...28-7, bad guys (hey, they have to win once every decade or so!)
"Jacky's gonna be a football star..."