I'm feelin' a lil better about myself. Not so much for anything in particular I've done recently but moreso...I frequently have a tendency to beat myself up over any and every thing, large or small, I do or have done wrong, whether recently, in the past, or- sadly- in the distant past. Obviously the stupidity I did last summer, but many other things, again, large or small, recent or distant. And often it's like, the many good things I do (again, large or small) don't seem to count, like, unless I behave and do things perfectly, it's not merely a screw-up or a mistake, but an indictment of me as a bad, evil person.
A good friend of mine had a bit of a screw-up this past weekend, one that, in and of itself wasn't especially bad, except that it had the potential to hurt someone close to him, someone whom he truly cares deeply for. But there was no malice aforethought, no intent to do anything wrong or irresponsible; rather, it was one of those circumstances we all face from time to time, where stress and boredom and too much free time conspire to "lead us into temptation" as it were. Fortunately, it seems that this snafu turned out alright, no unwanted repercussions. But this is a good guy, a solid guy, not a jerk or a screw-up or a bad individual. And yet, he did screw up a bit; again, nothing too bad, but at the same time, clearly engaged in behavior he shouldn't have been. And he feels remorse, and the nagging fear that this could still possibly come back to haunt him. I feel bad for him, knowing all-too-well what screwing up and waiting for another shoe to possibly drop feels like. But in a perverse way, it also makes me personally feel just a little better about myself, in that I can see that good, decent (well, almost! Jes kidding! :) responsible folks can still screw up, and that this doesn't make them bad, malevolent, evil people, lacking in any redeeming characteristics or qualities, well, maybe, perhaps, I'm just a BIT too hard on myself, that I need to- and can- forgive myself for things I f'd up, make amends if possible, and simply move forward, wiser, and still cognizant of the fact that I may well make mistakes, screw up, etc...and that these don't necessarily make me a "bad" person. I know- common knowledge for many, but something I've needed to accept. (Please: no "I'm OK, You're OK" jokes! :)
Just a quick thought, totally off-topic: what/why does the Laci Peterson murder case POSSIBLY have to do w/ any entertainment-type media outlets? Why is that sad story getting such coverage, such trashy, tabloid-type coverage, on channels like E! and publications such as the Enquirer and Star? Why is this case being turned into an OJ-like Hollywood deal? Sadly there are murders committed across our fair land every day; why has THIS one become such an entertainment media story? Did I miss something- IS there a Hollywood connection to Laci, Scott, et al? Or does ANY story involving photogenic young people from California now automatically qualify as "entertainment?" Just asking...
Alright, I'm outta here!
"It's a lonely ol' night/Can I put my arms around you?/It's a lonely ol' night/Custom made for two lonely people like me and you..."