Not for nuthin', but...
I have a friend who frequently gives me a- good natured!- hard time over my dearth of knowledge re. television shows. And it's true- I don't watch a lot of television; when I have the time, I often prefer to read or surf the 'Net, and when I do watch TV, it's often either news, sports, documentary-type programs, or the occasional movie. When I actually watch a series, its either something on HBO, like the late, lamented Sex and the City, The Sopranos, etc...or else reruns of something like Law & Order. But, two things. First- WHO is "Dr. Phil?" I've seen ads and such for this guy- who IS he? What is he a doctor of? Is he an MD, a psychologist, does he have a Ph.D. in primitive cultures, what? I bring him up only because he's but one example of something I don't quite get, the- what?- familiarization of people. Doesn't Dr. Phil have a last name? Is it assumed that EVERYONE knows him? OK, Oprah has been around for ever, I guess she can get away with using just her first name. But SO many people on TV, the powers-that-be act as tho' everyone knows who they are and that they are everyone's best bud...I've seen a woman on a local news program, she does the medical segments, same thing, just "Dr. Malika," again, as if everyone should automatically know who she is. Hype...Second; "reality" shows. I know, I know, they've been the hot thing for a few years now. I don't get 'em. There's nothing "real" about them. Really, there's not! It goes back maybe to MTV's "The Real World," there was NEVER anything "real" about it! How many folks do YOU know who, just out of college, are given a trendy pad in a hip city to live with a bunch of folks they've never met? Hmmmm...?? None in MY real world! In all of these programs, I gather they put a bunch of people into various stressful situations, trying to create drama. C'mon...
The Sox start what most likely will be the pivotal series of the season vs. the Yankees tonight. As anyone who has read this for awhile might be able to tell, I'm not the biggest of baseball fans (most likley cuz I was never too good at it!) but I do follow it some, and I certainly wish the Sox well, I want to see 'em win. And I'm NO fan of the Yankees (or any New York teams) but...the whole "Yankees Suck" chant- wrong. Whatever else we may think of the Evil Empire, clearly, obviously, they do not suck. I know it's just fans havin' a lil fun, but still, it makes us look foolish. Jes boo 'em!
Another sports-related one...I was working out today and on the television at the gym (yes, I do watch...sometimes! :) one of the sets had on ESPN Classic, running an old college football game, and it got me to thinking...what are the best
college fight songs? My top 10 (and maybe I'll add this list to my site:)
10. "Fight Mass," UMass. (HAD to include it; it's not bad, really! :)
9. "Screaming Eagles Fight," Minnesota State. (OK, actually the theme from "Coach!")
8. "Fight the Team," Ohio State. (Woody Hayes once got to dot the "I")
7. "Sons of Westwood," UCLA. (And the Rose Bowl as home field? Not bad...)
6. "Fight On State," Penn State. (And I love that lion roar thing they do, too!)
5. "On Wisconsin," Wisconsin. (Of course)
4. "War Chant," Florida State. (And Chief Osceola riding Renegade...)
3. "Fanfare, Tribute to Troy, and Fight On," Southern Cal. (With regards to Tommy Trojan)
2. "Victory March," Notre Dame. (Waking up the echoes...)
1. "The Victors," Michigan. (Go Blue!)
Yes, Kellie desperately needs to get a life!
"Hail! To the victors valiant/Hail! To the conqu'ring heroes/Hail! Hail! To Michigan, the leaders and the best..."