Introspection on a Friday evening spent...guess where? (A pre-birthday pity-party?! Or maybe it's just the cold, snowy weather we've had the last week+...BRRRRRRRR!!!)
Tomorrow is my birthday, number XXXVII (Roman numerals to- hopefully!- commemorate another Patriots Super Bowl appearance :) It's been bumming me out a lil bit. Not the "age" factor of it but rather, how it serves to bring into sharp relief how far, in so many ways, my life has not/is not progressing as I'd have thought. I mean, I largely like who I am, I'm comfortable with who and what and "how" I am, but yet I cannot help but think just how far removed I am, my life is, from what I expected it would be at this stage in life, or how, in so many ways (no kidding, huh?! :) my life is so different from that of so many of my peers. By nature, I'm a person who is fairly conventional; even with "this" I'd seldom be described as avant-garde. So at times it does cause me more than a little consternation to realize that, even if I'm comfortable personally, my life is not quite where I expected it might be, nor where "convention" might dictate it should, nor where others would expect it to, be.
In a similar vein (and yes, I've addressed this theme many times before) I feel truly badly that I've allowed so many friendships, acquaintences, relationships, founder. This is not, and has never been, a reflection upon ANY of the folks whom I've seemingly neglected; indeed, I've been blessed in that, throughout my life, in all of my various walks of life, I've been surrounded by good, decent, solid people, almost without exception. Sadly, and increasingly of late, and understandably so, I've lost touch with and have had folks fall out of touch with me, almost without exception SOLELY because of the schedule I've kept for, well, for too long now. I don't blame any of them (or you, depending upon who is reading this.) I miss a lot of these/you folks dearly, more than you imagine. I truly despise when I disappoint others. And while I've never taken anyone for granted, sadly, I often do seem to take time for granted, putting things off because there's "time." And then realizing that days/weeks/months/years have passed. (The same could be said for my career moves, or more precisely, lack thereof.) Along with being conventional, I'm also a creature of habit, frequently too much so; sponteniety and Kellie seldom go together.
I don't know why change is so often so difficult for me.
Lastly...I would be remiss (and no offense to L. in Pittsburgh! ;) if I didn't say...GO PATS- BEAT THE STEELERS!!!
"Because life is so brief/And time is a thief, when you're undecided/And like a fistful of sand/It can slip right through your hands..."