Some random ramblings on a rainy Monday afternoon...
My home 'puter was acting up BIGtime yesterday; may hafta finally bite the bullet and get a new one. I really can't complain, as it's been almost trouble-free. But maybe it's getting near time to retire it...
Well, I got skunked on my NCAA picks this year. Hey, a lotta folks did, and I really didn't give them the attention I usually do, and there WERE a lotta upsets. But still; if I had been more of a betting gal this year, I'd have lost my shirt (some of you might've liked that, huh?! :)...
Had a really nice Easter dinner @ my mom's yesterday; yummy lamb, asparagus, and for dessert dee-lish strawberry shortcake (with fresh-made whipped cream!)...
But with that, I HAFTA start eating better again. I didn't put on any weight over the Thanksgiving-to-New Years holidays this past year, but since around my birthday or so back in January until, well, now, all that weight I didn't put on then I've put on now. Yes, part of it was the lousy weather and the fair amount of snow we got that kept me from keeping up my outdoor running (I canNOT run indoors on a treadmill!) as well as just walking more often, and yes I did miss a solid week+ of workouts back in February when I hurt my back. But I've also been eating poorly...I generally maintain a high protein-low carb eating regimen. I began that several years ago, back when I weighed, ahem, significantly more than I do even now. For me it works- I like the foods I can eat, it gives me energy to burn/keeps my metabolism at a higher rate, and many of the foods I eat on it (when I'm good!) serve to lift/keep my mood, my emotions raised. But over the last month+ I've been eating WAY too many carbs, "bad" carbs, too often. The weight gain I've experienced has been bad enough, but moreso the sluggish feeling, the lethargy, and the crankier, b*tchier moodiness have all served to keep me in, and exacerbate, a funk I've been in for, well, probably going back to mid/late January (coinciding w/ my birthday, feeling older, and not all that much wiser.) so that, as well as the dark days of January and February, and the cold and snow we've had and the general rut/grind I've been in...ack, I hafta shake out of it, and eating better, and, with the weather beginning to break a bit, getting back out running, and just outside more often, should help....
The cold...I was out running the other day, Saturday, it was sunny, albeit still cold and a bit windy (only got up to 39 degrees or so for the high.) So I'm out there in my sweatshirt, windjacket, sweatpants and a pair of light gloves I wear, and I was still sorta chilly. Yet there were people out running, women and men, in shorts!!! Sweatshirts, hats, gloves even, but shorts! And it wasn't just college kids either. I was sooooooooo jealous! Why did I feel so cold, and these folks didn't?! I used to be one of these people who would wear shorts year-round; the middle of winter, I'd wear a pair of walking shorts out to the store, etc...I'd wear my shorts to the gym, and of course out running. But I've noticed the last few years now I get colder than I used to. I don't know why...(maybe I finally need to move to those warm desert climes I've always fantasized about :)
"What good is the dawn, that grows into day?/The sunset at night, or living this way?/For I have the warmth of the sun, within me at night..."