I've had a general feeling of personal unease for awhile now, stretching back, gosh, to January at least now. I'm not sure what is causing it exactly, I've just felt
off for, well, awhile now. Probably the sum of a lot of little things just adding up and adding up, piling up and piling up, none in and of itself particularly egregious, but taken as a whole, over an extended period...Some of it is external. Some of the things I've tended to believe in, to take at face value, to put faith and trust into, have proven less-than-deserving at times, and what makes these worse is that I see no viable, reasonable, satisfactory alternatives to them. As anyone who has read this blog (or perused my site) with any regularity can figure out, I tend to vote Republican; on more issues than not, of the two major parties, the GOP has come closer to reflecting my views, my values, on more issues overall than the Democrats. Or to put it another way, while I disagree with the GOP on some issues, some stances, there are almost no meaningful issues, stances, etc...in which I've found, or find, agreement with the Democrats. Yet too many of the actions and rhetoric emanating from the Republicans in Washington is at odds with what I believe in, the Republicanism of Ronald Reagan, of Barry Goldwater, even of Newt Gingrich being replaced by a less individualistic, more overtly moralistic "Conservative" Big Government every bit as distasteful to be foisted upon free individuals as the Liberal Big Government most Democrats have traditionally pushed. Traditonally the GOP has been the party of more limited government, of empowering the individual not Washington-based bureaucracies, of the use of force when necessary, not merely desired, of government as last resort, not first, of leaving people freer to lead their lives in the manner they see fit, to hold the-lawful- views and values they possess as long as they don't infringe upon others', and more. Today's GOP in Washington, on too many issues, seems to simply want to meddle, to impose their views rather than lessen government from any given equation, to legislate so many issues from on high in Washington rather than allow the states, where the rubber hits the road, to blaze their own paths. Again, there are some issues where I do agree with the GOP (Bush's "Ownership Society" philosophy, tax relief, deregulation, and others.) But on balance, this is not the Republican Party I have traditionally supported; in some ways I feel as if I'm being played for a bit of a chump by still supporting them to any great degree (but once again, the Democratic Party offers me next to nothing, and the Libertarian Party? I've voted for them on occassion, but they really need to become a more serious, a more responsible, option.) So on this score, I'm feeling pretty conflicted and uneasy.
Similarly, as- again- anyone who has read this blog or visited my site can probably guess, I'm Catholic. It's been my faith since I was a child, and there is much to it, not merely the ritual but also much of the scholarship and doctrine of the Church as revealed thru the ages that I find not only comforting, but truthful. And yet...many of the actions and rhetoric of the institutional Church, of the hierarchy, both here and in Rome, has had me feeling conflicted and again, at times, as if I'm being played for a chump. The whole priest sex-scandal, not only the actions of the individual priests committing such acts (despicable, and yet there are despicable individuals who commit similar acts in any profession, but most repugnant when it is clergy) but of the hierarchy, the pastors, bishops, cardinals, and Vatican officials who knew of these people and their acts and simply played CYA with it, seemingly more concerned with Church PR than with the well-being of their "flock." Indeed, the high-handed manner in which Church leaders have handled the financial crises affecting the Church as a result as well. And also, yes, the tone and tenor of much rhetoric issuing forth from the hierarchy on many moral issues. I don't say I disagree with their views- in fact, if one looks carefully enough, there is a consistency to most of Catholic social teaching, it is a worthy goal for the Church broadly understood to strive toward. But in many instances, it seems there is an over-emphasis on an almost legalistic interpretation of morality, not enough on forgiveness and understanding. Hate the "sin," love the sinner, anyone? I remember one time I heard a priest give a sermon, and his words stuck with me- Christ calls us to compassion, not perfection. At times it seems as if some in the Church forget this, all the more disturbing given the Church hierarchy's own recent sins of both commission and omission. And again, being a Catholic (albeit not
the most observant of one!) and trying to lead a relatively moral life, feeling some guilt over my- real or perceived- errors and having these amplified by a hierarchy that is guilty of far more heinous errors (to be kind) makes me feel uneasy, and yes, a bit hypocritical in both defending my belief as well as rationalizing my continued support of that institution. Yet, beyond flirting with Anglicanism a lil bit, where else do I turn? Many of the more liberal, "mainline" Protestant denominations offer little in the way of spiritual "red meat," the more conservative Protestant denominations are often more hardline on many issues than the Catholic Church, and no branch of Protestantism offers the same familarity of ritual and tradition that 30+ years of being Catholic have instilled in me.
And then there are other things...seemingly not making any meaningful progress toward so many of the goals, aspirations, hopes and dreams I have, be they career-wise, simply financially, time-wise, socially, and transition-wise. The short explanation is that in almost all ways, I feel as if I'm not living the way I want to in any meaningful way. At times I feel trapped in a vise of my own construction, not living as who or as how I want to, wish to, need to, and that so many of the ideas, beliefs, values, etc...I've subscribed to are often seemingly being shown to be lacking, with no viable, valuable alternatives surfacing. At times I feel so much like the lines of that song I have posted on my website- a walking contradiction.
One last note, one area in which I
do feel better about myself. While I have many faults, and I seemingly have and/or make little time to do and spend with those I'd like to, I
do care about the people in my life, very much so. Unlike some folks I can think of, I
never take those I care about for granted nor take advantage of them, or play games with the feelings and/or emotions of others. I like that about me. And it hurts me when others do not treat me similarly. As is also probably obvious to some who read this blog or peruse my website, there are a few aspects of my life which I do keep more private than others, mainly personal info about myself. This has
never been because I've tried to take advantage of folks, or tried to "pull something over" on anyone; rather, it has been to protect me, to protect parts of my life and people in my life to whom knowledge of
this part of me would serve neither them, nor I, any positive purpose, until I decide it is necessary for them to know. But for the most part, with me, WYSIWYG, like it or not! ;)
"From the rockin' of the cradle to the rollin' of the hearse/The goin' up was worth the comin' down..."