Some utterly gratuitous whining ('s my blog and I can b*tch if I want to! :)
The weather. May was horrible, one of the coldest months of May (is
that better, Orest?! ;) on record here in Boston. I hated this May with a white-hot passion! But my current complaint- is it asking
too much to wake up to a SUNNY morning?! Every @#$%ing morning, I get up, and it's gray...and cool...and usually a lil damp. Yes, it usually clears off by, oh, 2 in the afternoon! But it is soooooooooooo depressing to wake up every morning, to try and drag out for an early morning run, and have it be gray, overcast skies and cool, damp air. We only get a few months of nice weather in New England as it is- we lost one of 'em last month...I'm beggin' ya, please- send us some sunny days, from start to finish!
My cold. This damn thing has lingered for over a week now. GRRRRR! It's just enuf to make me feel blah, not enuf now to stay home under the covers, but just a low-grade, nagging thing that doesn't seem to want to quit. Go away! (And I'm almost always a pretty healthy gal, colds and such- even if I get 'em- seldom hang on as long as this one has.)
"Should of..." People, is not, nor should ever be, "should of..." (nor "would of...," could of"..., etc...) Yes, a very picky thing, the grammarian in me coming out...You "should
have... (or "would
have... " "could
have... ")
done whatever. Or, to use the contraction, "should'
ve," "would'
ve," "could'
never "should of." A completely anal, bitchy thing, I know! But still...
It is telling how so often, so many people, ones who would be the first to tout how tolerant and open-minded and accepting they are, see no hypocrisy in their stereotyping of people they disagree with or find "different" from themselves based upon the most extreme and- admittedly- ugly behavior of some amongst a particular group or culture. I've seen and heard and read these comments countless places- people who would never
dare cast aspersions upon, say, black folks in general due to the actions of an OJ, or upon, say, transsexuals based on the antics of nitwit TS's on programs such as the Springer show, or illegal- excuse me, "undocumented"- aliens based upon the crimes committed by some, etc...yet they gleefully will castigate, criticize, and/or condemn with scurillous slurs and comments oh, I dunno, social conservatives as intolerant haters based upon the antics of some, fans of certain sports, gun owners- or simply Southerners- as rednecks, businessmen (but not women! ;) as greedy know the drill! Blanket judgments of anyone, and of anyone's views, motives, etc...because some who claim to share those views engage in unacceptable behavior or conduct, speaks as much to the closed-mindedness and intolerance of the person making those judgments as to any real complaint about the person- or group- in question. What does it say in the Bible, something to the effect of "remove the log from one's own eye before attempting to remove the speck in another's?"
Political correctness run amok, part... Recently a college near where I grew up decided to change the name of it's sports teams. This is in part due to an NCAA edict directing it's members to reconsider their names, mascots, logos, etc...lest they be considered offensive to, mostly, American Indians. Now, I don't have a problem with patently racist, derogatory, or offensive names, mascots, etc...being jettisoned. "Savages," "Redmen" (UMass changed their name from "Redmen" to "Minutemen" 30+ years ago) and the like deserve to be retired. (The NFL team in our nation's capital would do well to reconsider it's name as well.) But many names that reference American Indians, whether by specific tribe, or whatever, are named because the schools wish their teams to emulate the best attributes of those peoples, or to honor the local Native Americans: "Braves," "Warriors," "Chieftains," "Fighting Illini," "Seminoles," etc...these are almost always depicted as proud, courageous, strong, noble people, folks to emulate, not to denigrate. (In certain cases these are not always names exclusive to American Indians- in the case of "Chieftains," for instance, this name could just as easily reference Irish chieftains, somewhat apropos for a suburban Catholic college with a student body populated by many Irish-Americans.) Which I suppose brings this to its denouement- if these names are considered derogatory and potentially offensive, what about that evil stereotype still being perpetrated upon the nation's collegiate sports scene by a school in northern Indiana, castigating an entire ethnic group that once faced fierce oppression and discrimination in our land as a brawling, garrulous race populated by little men in funny suits? "Fighting Irish?!" How
dare Notre Dame! ;)
"You're my blue sky, you're my sunny day..."