A few Thanksgiving leftovers...
Decent run this morning, given my, ahem, very full belly from yesterday's feast (and also the 20 or so degree temps this am, coupled w/ gusty winds making it feel about 5!) Actually, I didn't pig out too badly yesterday- even as, yes, I cooked our Thanksgiving meal! ;) It was a nice day, I enjoyed it, I hope everyone else who celebrated Thanksgiving had a similarly enjoyable one...
I've never understood the whole mindset behind the "Black Friday" shopping thing. Why would anyone possibly want to shop today? Do they think that if they don't buy gifts TODAY! RIGHT NOW! that the stores won't ever have anything in stock ever again, or at least until March?! I can see simply window-shopping, browsing, just to begin to get into the spirit of the holidays, but to try to shop with the maddening crowds, harried sales clerks, screaming children, screaming adults...are any bargains really worth that aggravation?...not my idea of fun, anyway...
I seldom make any effort to see first run movies in the cinema- I often just don't have the time, and unless I'm going with someone, it's just as easy to wait until a flick comes out on disc and watch it at home. But one current release I'd like to try to take in is Walk The Line , the Johnny Cash biopic. It's received pretty good reviews, plus I've just always been a fan of the Man In Black...Once again the football world was subjected to a Detroit Lions Thanksgiving snoozefest (sorry Dee, and any other Leo fans reading this!)...
24-0...Sharon sucks.
"Because you're mine/I walk the line..."