The hackneyed year-end posting...
2005. Not the worst of years, not the most spectacular of years, for myself and for the larger world, simply the typical assortment of both highs and lows, with much- what?- ordinariness to fill in the spaces. I can't complain, but I can't say I'll be sad to leave 2005 behind, either. A thoroughly average year.
I'm not much for gung-ho resolutions and such, never really have been. Moreso, I try to focus on a few things, a few areas or items in my life, that I can affect some meaningful, consistent action upon to improve the quality of same. Physically- overall I'm in pretty good shape, and have maintained being in pretty good shape. What I struggle with to any degree is usually that "last 7-8 pounds"...those 7-8 lbs that I lose, gain back, lose again, etc...the ones that, when I consistently keep them off, make me feel and, I believe, look just that little bit more energetic and healthy. More than anything it is simply a matter of maintaining just a bit more discipline, a bit more consistency, perhaps tweaking just a bit my eating habits, cutting back once again on some of the "bad" carbs, being a bit more consistent in maintaining the higher/lean protein regimen I feel best doing. Not a biggie, just hafta stay consistent...Another thing I need to work more diligently on is being patient with others. I have a tendency not to suffer, I don't want to say fools, but, um, those who aren't quite with my program, as it were, far less patiently than I should. I also need to improve my being more patient in accepting certain circumstances, not letting myself become as frustrated and overwhelmed as I sometimes do. Similarly, I need to work on being a bit less demanding of others, more accepting of their quirks and such, than at times I often am...Lord knows I have enuf quirks and failings of my own needing acceptance and patience! By the same token, I could probably stand to be a bit more demanding of myself...And as more than a few folks can attest, I need to work on budgeting/balancing my time more effectively- far too often, I simply let time get away from me. It's not so much that I waste time (tho' there's probably some of that as well) but moreso that I simply do not budget my time effectively enough to do more of the things I want to do...I also should endeavor to develop more courage, more confidence, in my ability to affect positive change in my life, be it professionally, socially, physically, emotionally, what have you...having confidence and faith in the talents, skills, abilities, etc...that I possess, and taking the initiative to improve upon them, as well as to acquire those I might be lacking in...despite how I may come across, sometimes I'm not as confident or self-assured as I may seem...positive risk-taking might be the best way of defining this...And over-riding all of these is simply: focus. To stay focused on these things I am trying to work on, change, and improve, not letting myself become so pre-occupied with the day-to-day, the immediate, that I lose focus on, lose sight of, the longer-range, longer-term betterment I wish to enact.
On a sappier note...I am thankful for all of the many good people I'm blessed to be surrounded by in all of my walks of life ;) I only wish I could make the time to see more of you more often (what did she write above? Something about budgeting/balancing her time more effectively? Do it, Kellie!)
Lastly- to any and all I may have hurt or disappointed, intentionally or unintentionally, over the course of the past year, I apologize, and ask your forgiveness. For those who have hurt and/or disappointed me, intentionally or unintentionally, I offer my forgiveness.
Happy New Year to everyone, and warmest wishes for a safe, fulfilling, and prosperous 2006!
"We're caught in the trade winds/The trade winds of our time..."