Catching up...(and a COLD run this morning...BRRRRRR! I've had enuf of winter!)
Still trying to make some headway on email I'm behind on...been busy, plus my Mom has been a lil under-the-weather of late...had to take her to the doctor's yesterday, she'd had some really sharp pain that she thought might be a recurrance of pneumonia she'd had awhile back (she has lung/breathing problems as it is...self-induced...anyone thinking of starting smoking? DON'T!) Apparently she's OK, but as she's getting older, any health plaint is worrisome...
I have a friend who seems to be getting burnt out on her TG "community" involvement of late. I can't blame her, and after reading of some of the BS she's put up with, even moreso now. Over the years, being involved with "this thing of ours" (transgenderism as La Cosa Nostra? Who knew?!) I've met and befriended some truly wonderful, thoughtful, intelligent, giving people; some almost carbon copies of me in terms of backgrounds, interests, views, etc...some quite different. But over the years I've also met and been exposed to via "the community" (and I tend to put that in "" because to me, from experience, I've found the idea of a monolithic TG community about as absurd as, say, a monolithic African-American community; it ain't there!) some of the most self-centered, self-absorbed, petty, angry and unstable individuals one could imagine. If those attributes could all be pinned upon their TG status (marginalization by family, society, etc...because of their TGism resulting in their adopting those behaviors and mindsets) it might be understandable, but many of these people simply appear to have poor manners, little-to-no empathy nor understanding of/for others, even toward those who have reached out to them and tried to comfort, help, and understand them, time and time again, only to receive little reciprocity, or even attention, in return. I'll be the first to admit- I can be quite opinionated at times, and I don't suffer fools easily. But I'll give most anyone the benefit of the doubt until they prove otherwise, and I make a concerted effort to treat others with that reciprocity I've spoken of before. Which brings me back to my friend. She's a good, caring, and- perhaps best of all!- normal, regular person, in interests, outlook, and attitude, a solid Midwesterner! She's married, has kids, and, at a slightly older age (early 40's) is trying to come to grips with where her TGism needs to fit in to her whole life, while still meeting her obligations to those she has 'em to. Work and finances have been a bit stressful for her of late, and apparently her efforts at trying to be a caring, supportive voice in "the community," with it's drama queens and pettiness and all, and receiving- apparently- little caring, support, or even interest in her life and her struggles, etc... have taken their toll, and she's burnt out. I believe I've been there for her as best I could (given time and distance factors) but I'll have to examine my conscience a bit on that score as well.
But whether it is this particular example, or others in other realms, it is always sad when those who give, freely and generously, of their time and efforts and resources, end up burnt out or disillusioned due to the lack of consideration, the lack of reciprocity, the lack of appreciation, for those efforts from those to whom they've reached out.
Waiting On A Friend (One of the most underrated songs by Mick and the boys, IMO.)
Watching girls go passing by
It ain't the latest thing
I'm just standing in a doorway
I'm just trying to make some sense
Out of these girls go passing by
The tales they tell of men
I'm not waiting on a lady
I'm just waiting on a friend.
A smile relieves a heart that grieves
Remember what I said
I'm not waiting on a lady
I'm just waiting on a friend
I'm just waiting on a friend.
Don't need a whore I don't need no booze
Don't need a virgin priest
But I need someone I can cry to
I need someone to protect
Making love and breaking hearts
It is a game for youth
But I'm not waiting on a lady
I'm just waiting on a friend.