I had to read someone the riot act the other day. While I don't fear nor shrink from confrontation when necessary, it's not something I enjoy, either. Some folks do- there are some folks for whom bullying, brow-beating, manipulating and the like provide some perverse kick; I've worked with and for a few, and I've seen and known a few more. I can do it when necessary, but it's not something I enjoy, particularly when it's toward an individual whom I respect and like.
What I had was basically someone whom, for quite some time now, was not pulling- and worse- was not making any effort to pull their weight. Few relationships, be they business, social, or familial, are ever exactly 50-50, nor should they be. Anyone who keeps an exact count or measure of the effort extended vs. the effort received desperately needs to get a life- no business relationship, indeed, no relationship period, could ever prosper or grow on such an exact accounting. But some effort should be made toward some amount of reciprocity, in any relationship; it needn't be 50-50, but it shouldn't be all one-way, either. Basically this person lost sight of that and refused to make/take any efforts toward extending and reciprocating the attention shown them, even after- more than a few times- having it gently brought to their attention that they need to extend a little bit of pro-active effort and interest, in order to continue to ensure a working, beneficial, vibrant relationship. Again, I like and respect this individual, and I am a patient person, but the lack of effort to meet some of their responsibility was an on-going issue. And even after bringing this to their attention previously, time and time and time again the effort, the interest, the attention, was not made; hence, the less "perky" side of me was made evident, and rightly so.
RIP, Barbaro. (I'm not usually an especially sentimental person, but I admit, I got caught up in the whole Barbaro story; it was sad that he had to be put down.)