Odds and sods (while hoping the "new" Blogger account works alright...)
Wimbledon to pay men and women equallyInteresting, as I had always believed that women and men received equal prize money at Wimbledon already. I've always believed in equal pay for equal work; I've never understood any rationale for paying equally-qualifed women (or any "minority") less than men. This is not to be confused with phony "equality" whereby women, or any group, are allowed to meet a lesser standard of proficiency, of qualifications, yet are granted equal status (incl. equal pay) with those who do meet a higher standard. But this clearly is a case where women are competing on equal footing with one another and where the interest generated by the women's game is equal to that of the men's (unlike, say, the WNBA vis a vis the NBA) hence the participants are deserving of, and should receive, equal compensation as that of the male participants. About time!
The Antidote to Human Rights CampaignMuch of the reason I like and admire much of Andrew Sullivan's writings (apart from the similarities between his views and my own) is his willingness to skewer sacred cows and conventional wisdom when deserved. I've never understood the mindset among- too- many people within the broad LGBT "community" to align themselves wholesale with Left/liberal Democratic politics. And I will say here- yes, the Democratic Party as an organization
does pay better lip service to, does give better rhetoric toward, LGBT-specific issues. No question. Their record of results, of actually carrying out the agenda they claim to represent for LGBT folks, is much more mixed (and I can cite chapter and verse if necessary.) And my quarrel isn't necessarily with those members of the LGBT community for whom a Left/liberal agenda serves them. I will- and do- take issue with those who simply choose this as their "default" political setting, and moreso, those "leaders" elected and/or self-appointed who purport to speak for "the community" who consistently espouse and endorse the Left/liberal agenda wholesale, on issues totally unrelated to LGBT rights. Limited government, lower taxes, federalist principles (ie, "states rights"), 2nd Amendment protections (gun rights), pro-growth economic policies, limiting abortion as a method of birth control, punishing criminals, individual vs. "group" rights, strong defense, school choice, and many, many more; while the current incarnation of the GOP may have fallen short on many of these (and don't get me started on
them, either!) these issues have seldom been part of the Democratic agenda. Might not many within the LGBT community be better, or at least equally, served by endorsing candidates that advocate these as well? Just as not every Democrat (and Democratic voter- I know more than a few, even TG/TS folks, and I would describe many of them as moderate, simply leaning slightly left where I might lean slightly right) is a neo-socialist, not every Republican (nor Republican voter) is a cultural conservative. The LGBT community, and those who purport to speak for it, would do well to practice the tolerance of diverse, differing views that they preach.
Off of my soapbox... At the gym today, there were these three kids working out. Hadn't seen 'em before (and by "kids" I mean probably in their early 20's.) This one kid-
every third word out of his mouth was "dude!" I mean, it was "dude" this and "dude" that! And they were the kind of kids who were loud, who seemed to need to draw attention to themselves! I don't get it... there are other guys their age who work out there who aren't obnoxious... and even in my day when I was more of a musclehead, I was never a meathead! Yikes... dude.
"Hit me with your best shot/Fire away!"