Haven't journaled here in a bit...
The counter on my website is screwed up- again. It might be Geocities whole stats thing as, when I tried to ck my site, the site stats thingy didn't even come up. I suppose I could just remove the counter...
Labor Day weekend already... this summer flew by! I really let this summer get away from me, ugh. I did have a few personal/family commitments to tend to, especially thru July and August, but still... Weatherwise, it wasn't the best- these past two weeks have been maybe the nicest stretch we've had all summer here; much of the summer was rainy, or at least damp, overcast and cloudy, very few hot, 90+ degrees days. And I've really noticed the last two weeks or so that the days have been getting shorter again! I'm usually out pounding the pavement by 5:30am and it's been dark starting out. Having said that, Labor Day weekend and the- unofficial- beginning of fall has always to me, moreso than New Years, seemed a time of new beginnings, a fresh start; the start of my favorite season, fall, the start of football season, the start of a new school year (I was one of those kids who always liked and looked forward to school), just a renewed sense of purpose, of seriousness about things whereas summer more often seems an escape of sorts, a vacation. (I wonder what it's like in places where it's warm and sunny and summery year-round?)
I took the RealAge test a lil while ago: I scored 4.4 years younger than my calendar age- woohoo! Must be all of my good, clean living- ha! Give it a try...
Enjoying a Geary's Summer Ale before getting ready to go out tonight; a lil while back I had someone chastise me for drinking "overpriced beer." And I suppose if I were to sit around and swill a 12-pack or so, yeah, my money might be better spent on Milwaukee's Best! But considering that I almost never have more than two beers at a sitting while at home, and seldom more than four these days when I'm out, and that the alleged "overpriced beers" I purchase are almost always locally/New England-produced ("Think globally- drink locally?!") hence a six pack seldom runs me much more than a dollar or so more than Big Beer, for the quality, as well as supporting the regional brewing scene (shure, Kel!) I'll spend the extra buck...
I saw Mamma Mia! recently; mind candy, but fun!
Wanna waste 17:05 of your life that you'll never get back?
I attended a friend's wedding recently; unless I'm forgetting someone probably the last unmarried friend I had. (Who knows- maybe someone will get divorced/re-marry and I'll have another wedding to attend.) I'm not sure how I feel about that, feel about the knowledge that- more likely than not- I'll probably remain unwed. I'm not excessively troubled by that prospect, that thought, tho' I do imagine some folks probably wonder why I don't even have a steady, let alone being unmarried. But I do miss having someone special to share life with, even as the reason/s for not having that is/are largely my own fault; the hours I keep, the priorities and commitments I maintain, etc... And I am getting- waaaahhhh!- older...
I have a friend who travels- a lot! Between work-related trips, vacations, reunions, etc... she travels 8-9 times/year easily. Always has, as long as I've known her. She budgets her time- not to mention her money- a lot better than I do. Aside from weddings and funerals and the occasional trip to Maine to visit my brother, I seldom travel, even just around New England. There are lotsa places I'd like to see...
In a- sorta- similar vein... I know some folks occasionally get frustrated with me for not being able to make time for them. Some of you have for quite awhile, and rightly so. It's not intentional on my part, nor desired. One thing I've been very bad at over the years is budgeting what- little- free time I have more effectively. Sometimes I'm a lil better at it but by and large it remains one of many areas of my life that I need to improve upon.
I'm not sure who I find more obnoxious- those who wear their religious faith on their sleeves, or those who wear their animus toward religion on their sleeves. They often share much in common; a smug air of sanctimonious self-righteousness and superiority, a condescension and loathing toward those who hold and adhere to views different from their own. You believe? Great. You don't believe? That's OK, too. Hopefully whatever viewpoint you have compels you toward more caring, ethical, tolerant, and respectful behavior toward others, including those who hold differing views. (Full disclosure- I do believe; I'm a less-observant-than-I-probably-should-be Catholic. Hopefully the better aspects of that belief animate my life. But I seldom make a point of my particular belief, seldom foist or force my views re. it, or any other faith, or non-faith, upon anyone else. Others would be well-served by taking a similar tack.)
I haven't opined much of late on the political scene, the upcoming Presidential election, etc... I'm sure I will as Election Day draws closer. For now just a few thoughts... I have little enthusiasm for the two major candidates; the candidate I liked the most (in fact, the Presidential candidate I was most excited about probably since Ronald Reagan) never got his candidacy off the ground. Unlike many of my Right-leaning friends, I have a difficult time working up much personal animosity toward Barack Obama; yes, on far too many issues he is far too Left-leaning and/or vague and/or confused for my liking, and he does carry some personal baggage (find me a candidate- of any party- who does not.) But he does seem a personably likeable, charming, charismatic, and reasonably sincere person; while being a candidate who is black, he hasn't played the race card to the extent that other past black candidates had, and he does seem removed from many of the excesses of the Boomer generation. But on far too many issues, his politics differ radically from mine. John McCain obviously has a stirring personal narrative, and IMO a better, more mature grasp of/on a variety of issues. He is closer to my views on a greater number of issues; he's also- thankfully!- not caught up in the whole Boomer thing, and I would have greater confidence in him to, if nothing else, do less harm than Obama. Hardly a ringing endorsement I realize. But I do have problems with some of McCain's ideas as well. And I'm still trying to wrap myself around what I think of his selection of Sarah Palin as his VP. Being from Bluest of Blue State Massachusetts, barring anything unforeseen, Obama will win my state, and it's Electoral College votes, handily. I may cast my ballot for Libertarian Party candidate Bob Barr, as endorsement of his ideas as much as a- small- protest against a Republican Party which, from the Presidency on down has too often lost it's way, lost it's credibility as the party of limited government, individual rights and personal responsibilities, a strong but intelligent defense, and more.
"When you just don't seem to have as much to lose/Strange how the night moves/With autumn closing in..."