A lil introspective this evening...
Didya ever hear a song and then can't get it out of your head? I'm not a huge fan of
Styx, but I heard this one on the local classic rock station and haven't been able to get it out of my mind; apart from the tune, it kinda gets at a few things that have been gnawing at me for awhile now.
Suite Madame Blue, StyxTime after time I sit and I wait for your call
I know I'm a fool but why can I say
Whatever the price I'll pay for you, Madame Blue.
Once long ago, a word from your lips and the world turned around
But somehow you've changed, you're so far away
I long for the past and dream of the days with you, Madame Blue.
Suite Madame Blue, gaze in your looking glass
You're not a child anymore
Suite Madame Blue, the future is all but past
Dressed in your jewels, you made your own rules
You conquered the world and more ..............heaven's door.
Red white and blue, gaze in your looking glass
You're not a child anymore
Red, white, and blue, the future is all but past
So lift up your heart, make a new start
And lead us away from here.
Anyone who has read my thoughts for awhile has a good idea of my political leanings. Yet I'd be lying if I didn't say that I've felt and feel more than a bit of- what?- disappointment over the course and direction of my nation these last several years. I try to wrap myself around it... it has less to do with ideology or partisanship than it does... something. Something just hasn't
felt right, for awhile now. Again, I can't blame it on party or ideology- rabid partisans aside, America walked tall, strong, and confident, we had
it, under Presidents both Reagan and Clinton. Similarly, we experienced malaise under Presidents both Ford and Carter. It's not simply a Republican vs. Democrat/conservative vs. liberal thing. And I don't believe there was/is any mal-intent in current President Bush's heart, nor simply or solely choices or decisions he and his administration could have made differently- even Reagan and Clinton made mistakes, misjudgments on occasion. Some if it is the hyper-partisanship of our day, the sheer seeming dislike, distrust, and eventually demonization of one's political opponents; the days of Ronald Reagan and Tip O'Neill sharing a beer or three at the end of a day seem far away. This bitterness is reflected beyond Capitol Hill; Red State vs. Blue State, believers vs. non-believers, Bill O'Reilly vs. Keith Olbermann, you name it. Too often too many assume that only "our" side (whichever side you're on) loves and supports our country and it's ideals; those who differ don't merely disagree but despise our country and it's ideals- just as I finished this I visited a trans site and found one gal had opined: "I've been working with the Obama campaign fighting the forces of darkness." Forces of darkness. It's mindless intolerance such as that that is to blame as much as anything- why not just state your support of Obama, why engage in the negativity?
I'm rambling with this, I realize. And I'm not naive; I know there are issues people feel strongly about, and there are those who would seek to exploit those passions. I know a lot of people have invested a lot of hope (and more than a little hype) in Barack Obama's candidacy and campaign; I almost wish I could. Obviously much of his rhetoric is an appeal to our higher national ideas and ideals; somewhat like Ronald Reagan did almost 30 years ago, to use the words of Styx above:
So lift up your heart, make a new start/And lead us away from here. But the means he would take to do so I just cannot endorse. And John McCain; I'd like to see and hear a lot more Ronald Reagan (and for that matter Barry Goldwater) and a lot less George W. Bush and contemporary Republicanism.
I guess I long for the past...