Wishes for the New Year...
By almost any account, 2008 was not a good year. A lot of people, good, decent, hard-working people, individually and collectively, struggled and suffered. Years of poor decision-making in the business community resulted in a widespread tanking of our economy. We had a Presidential campaign and candidates that claimed to want to rise above our recent political pettiness but instead engaged in the typical distractions, distortions, demonizing, and just dirtiness that our system- and too many in the electorate- seem to prefer. While the US has remained safe, Islamist-inspired terrorism has yet been vanquished from the world. Even my Patriots couldn't finish off what would have been undefeated season, giving up a lead with under 3 minutes left to lose the Super Bowl last February (yes, it still hurts!) and missed the playoffs this season, even with an 11-5 record. While many of us can probably point to a few things that did go well this year, I know of few folks who would say '08 was a great year. It won't be missed.
So on to 2009. I'm not naive enuf to think that a wish of Peace on Earth will actually come true. I'll keep my wishes a bit more modest. I hope that the stabilization and reduction of violence our troops have been seeing in Iraq will continue and accelerate, allowing as many of our brave men and women to return home as possible, reallocating troops and resources to Afghanistan- and any other terrorist hotspots that threaten us and our allies- as necessary. People sometimes forget that terrorists of that ideology didn't just attack us on 9/11; these people have been attacking us and our values for decades, have been targeting America and Americans for at least 30 years- the takeover of our embassy in Iran in '79, anyone? The Cold War waged cold and not-so-cold for 45 years, and communism was only a 100-or-so year old flawed political/economic theory, not a 1600 year old faith with over 1 billion adherents. We won't- we don't need to- conquer or "defeat" Islam. We do need to defend ourselves from those who would use it perpetrate violence upon us and our way of life. My hope for 2009 is that we continue to do so... I hope that those whose decisions most impact the health and growth of our economy- business and finance leaders, labor chiefs, and government officials, in that order!- make decisions and take courses of action that will benefit not only their immediate interests and beneficiaries (stockholders, workers, consumers, constituents) but, by doing so, benefit the larger economy. Some short-term sacrifices will have to be made, by management, labor, and government, in order to right and repair past bad actions and wasteful practices and resume the overall growth our- and the world's- economy has seen over these last roughly 30 years, growth that affords businesses, workers, families, and individuals the means to prosper and grow... I wish Barack Obama, his Administration, and the Democratic Congress all the best. I didn't vote for him, or them, but they are, they will be, my government, my President. Not from me will you hear the childish petulance many on the Left exhibited these past eight years toward President Bush and the Republicans ("He's not my President/They're not my government"- weak, libs.) I have no doubt I will disagree with and at times criticize him and them on several issues, as I did with Bush and the GOP. I will commend Obama and his team if/as appropriate as well, as I also did with their predecessors. But it is my wish that he and they succeed in their efforts to create a yet better America... It is my wish that the petty divisiveness we see in almost all spheres of our society, our culture, be tempered. Liberal vs. conservative, black vs. white, gay vs. straight, secularist vs. religious, Yankees vs. Red Sox, Less Filling vs. Tastes Great, neither side is all sinner or all saint, all vice or all virtue. We ought to be able to passionately define and defend our beliefs without demonizing those whose views differ. And frequently it is the self-appointed, self-anointed mouthpieces and blowhards of various constituencies and communities who are the biggest offenders, the most divisive, intolerant, and disrespectful; the just folks tend to be more live-and-let-live, differ and disagree without being difficult and disagreeable...
On more personal items, it is my wish that I better find/make/take much more time to start living a bit more, instead of soooo much time spent grinding away, letting the better things that life has to offer too often slip by. It's not about being irresponsible, but about creating some better semblance of balance in my life... It is my wish to create better financial stability for me (yeah, I know, in this economy- shure, Kel!) and much more pro-actively seek out opportunities utilizing my talents and abilities toward those ends... Similarly, it is my wish to adopt and maintain a more growth vs. fixed mindset (see here and here)... It is my wish- and more, my plan- to do what I need to do to take- or more appropriately, resume- certain, um, measures to better balance physical appearance with mental and emotional identity... Similarly, it is my wish to resume with renewed commitment and enthusiasm many of the things that, especially this past year, I've too often let slide; better consistency in diet and exercise, better stress management, better appreciation and nurturing of those relationships I cherish and value, in all of my walks of life... And while it is my wish to be a more patient and understanding individual, it is also my wish to put on notice and, as necessary, put distance between myself and those in all of my walks of life who have repeatedly shown, in word and in deed, that they do not appreciate me, my efforts, my initiative, my going the extra step...
And lastly, it is my wish for all of those- and to all of you- whom I'm honored to call friends, that all of your wishes for the New Year come true.
"And the good times are the best times/The bad times fade away/The good times are forever/But now baby, the last time is today..."