Shitty run this morning; it felt cold, I felt tired, cranky, didn't even do 5 miles... My mom did something to her back last Thursday, and between getting her to the doctor, as well as back and forth running various errands and getting/doing stuff for her while also tending to everything here... First, don't even get me
started on my sibs, as they've done absolutely nothing; I could throttle the two of them right now. But there are also a couple of T "friends" I could equally throttle right about now, people I have always-
always- freely offered support and understanding toward over their seemingly endless series of troubles and travails yet who won't give me the time of day-let alone offer me any support, encouragement, understanding, or simply a pat on the back- when I've sought a lil bit of support and understanding. These folks are great... as long as it's
all about them! But expect or seek any sort of reciprocity? Fuggedaboutit... Self-centered, self-absorbed, selfish individuals... one of them is the type who frequently speaks of fellow transgenders as "sisters." Forget "sisterhood"; try simply working on friendship, will ya? I have
many faults; I can often be too opinionated, too judgmental, too set in my ways, and I'm sure many more. But I've always been willing to be there for and to give to those I'm close to and care for and about as much as time and distance and means allow, and I'll add that this has had nothing to do with my femininity, as I've always treated, and been treated by, my "other" friends in just that manner... something those who bleat of "sisterhood" could learn from... Some of the most selfish, self-centered, self-absorbed, narcissistic people I have ever met have been transgender folks, the same ones who claim to be so-in-touch with their "feminine" side... please. Curiously, some of the best people I have met and knew/know from "this" have been the oft-maligned admirers. So many transgals either bash our male admirers (and yeah, sometimes these guys deserve it!) or the
trans-lesbians (please!) go "ewwwwww!" when it comes to men. But in my experiences, invariably the men I knew and know have been far more interested, caring, and just decent, un-self centered, normal-acting people than too many of the "girls" I've known.
Having said that, obviously there are more-than-a-few gals who know how to be friends. You know who you are, and the affection I hold for you in my heart. A shame more aren't like you.
Time to shower, dress, and hit the grind.
"You don't know what's going on/You've been away for far too long/You can't come back and think you are still mine..."