My "good" knee has been bothering me my last few runs and workouts, a pain on the outside of my left knee- bummer. I've mentioned before, I had my right knee, aka my "bad" knee, scoped during my senior year of high school, and it has been virtually trouble-free. But I've had many problems with my left foot, leg, knee, etc... over the years. I broke my left foot my sophomore year of high school and- probably because I resumed doing too much too soon on it- it never healed quite right. My left foot severely
over-supinates, throwing off the entire bio-mechanics of that leg, resulting in periodic minor- and not so minor- nagging pains.
Not enuf to keep me sidelined,
just enuf to make it uncomfortable on occassion.
really been into this lately:
Muscle Milk (my fav- chocolate malt!) 25g of protein, 10g of non-fiber carbs, 230 calories/14 oz serving, with a re-sealable twist top so I can have half and save half for next time. Satisfies my sweet tooth (a nice change-up from my unflavored soy protein powder blended with plain soy milk- that
can get boring after awhile!) while allowing me to stay pretty consistent on my higher protein/lower carb dietary regimen. Give it a try!
I had to attend a funeral in my hometown earlier today- one of my uncles passed away. I saw several of my aunts and uncles and cousins I hadn't seen since, well, since the last family funeral I attended there, about four years ago. I took my mom... The funeral was at the church we all attended, the burial at the same cemetary where my father is buried... Sometimes I feel a lil sad that I never kept in better touch with many/most/almost all of my relatives; family and all should be important, deserving of more attention, than I've given it and them over the years... many of 'em still live where we all grew up... it's not as if I had any falling out with any of them, even if we didn't hang out all that much growing up (different neighborhoods, social groups, interests, activities, etc...) Truthfully I just don't get down too often to where I grew up; again, no particular reason, things have just happened that way I suppose... Several of them thought I looked good, a few asked if I'd been sick (I'm a little-to-a-lot smaller than many of 'em remember me being!) A few awkward moments ("So you're
still not married?!" Um...) I was really po'd about a week or two ago; I got the
worst haircut I've had in years- the stylist I had been seeing was gone, and I needed
something done, but the gal who worked on me cut it waaaayyyyyy too short, but I suppose it, um, disguised or somewhat minimized some of the changes going on with me from the folks I saw today... Times change, people change, people grow and move forward, move on, but I've never been one who has wanted to completely forget or deny the past, either... things like this serve to ground me a bit- not a bad thing!
Curious tidbit that occurred to me; I've
never attended a non-Catholic religious service. Not especially difficult to do in heavily-Catholic Massachusetts I suppose. It's not due to any anti-Protestant, or anti-anything else, prejudice or fear- one of my very oldest and best friends is Protestant ('course, he married a Catholic gal, in a Catholic church.) But every wedding, christening, funeral, etc... I've ever attended has been a Catholic one- go figure.