Getting in as much sun as I can before next Wednesday...
I've been feeling pretty good- very good, actually! I've resumed a near-normal schedule again (tho' I'm still trying to figure in some stop and smell the roses-type action) as well as slowly-but-surely increasing my running mileage, lowering my time, and also regaining strength and stamina at the gym vis a vis resistance training and cardio (I'm still not near where I was back the end of April, and as I told a friend of mine the other day one of my remaining vestiges of male ego is seeing people at the gym pushing weight that I could just a few months ago but can't now; yeah, call me a meathead!) But it feels good to be able to do the things I had been doing, makes me feel normal. And I just feel good, feel well dammit, which is difficult to reconcile with how seriously ill- or at least how extensive my illness is- that I'm told. As for next Wednesday- I start chemo treatments then, and one of the things the docs tell me is that I have to avoid sunlight as a result... and I luv having a summer tan! Whaddya gonna do...
The NFL lockout is over- yay! Some interesting moves the Pats made today (Haynesworth, Ochocinco) but it doesn't seem as if they gave up too much to acquire them. At this point I trust in Bill and the Pats management... Two different friends of mine recently had their first children this past week- congrats to both... Finally got my hair done last Tuesday! She did a great job, tho' I still need to be a lil more ept at styling it like she did...
What I'm Reading Now: Leave Us Alone: Getting the Government's Hands Off Our Money, Our Guns, Our Lives, Grover Norquist
"Take the highway to the end of the night..."