A brief year-in-review post...
Overall, a good year. I'm still here! The beginning of this year my oncologist wasn't sure if I'd still be around by now, let alone feeling well. I'm here, and I still feel well, ten feet tall and bulletproof even! She, and my entire medical team, have done truly great work; I owe it all to them.
I made considerably more me time this year, in all of my walks of life; reconnected with many old friends, met and saw some new friends as well, and have thoroughly enjoyed spending time with them all! I hit several new/different restaurants and drinking establishments this year, even developed a liking for wine! At this point in my life I am totally comfortable with and enjoying going anywhere; while I have no illusions about my beauty (but to be fair I'm not totally homely... at least I don't think so!) I really have no problem going out anywhere; again, while maybe not stunning I can and do pretty much blend in as a typical 40-something woman, which is what I've sought. (Either that, or people are simply kind to the Poor Cancer Girl!) There are still a few folks, from all of my walks of life, that I hope to see in the coming year but socially, this has been a pretty good year for me, finally made/took a lil more time to socialize with good people more often! And one more thing on that note; I've been blessed my entire life to know and to be surrounded by so many truly good people- I appreciate you all, more than you know :)
Been struggling a bit ATS this season; I'm still in the black (barely) but college hoops haven't been as kind to me so far as they often are, I usually do quite well, especially in early-season, November/December, games. Not so much this season. Need to do a lil more homework and research... Pats are in the playoffs yet again- yay! A truly great coaching job by Bill Belichick, with so much player turnover and several injuries to key players, on both sides of the ball, and a great job from players stepping up. The only team I truly fear in the playoffs is Denver; Peyton Manning is playing like he did 10 years ago, and they are just pretty solid in all three phases of the game. Go Pats!... My workouts have, on balance, been good (got in a decent last-run-of 2013 this morning) but I could still stand to step them up a but more in the coming year. I hope to increase my running mileage and pace, hit cardio @ the gym a little more intensely, resistance-training I could actually stand to gain a slight amount of muscle mass, always improve my muscle tone, and I need to mix it up a lil more, change my routines a bit. My weight is fine. I can seem a lil over-the-top re. my workouts but they help on several levels- first, they simply make me feel normal, doing things that I did before I was diagnosed with cancer; second, I like to think that working out is keeping me strong as I deal with the cancer, better able to withstand treatment as well as the disease itself; third, working out helps keep me fit so that I look better in clothes, etc... Yeah, vanity plays a role!
I don't know what the coming year holds for me. This spring will be three years since I was diagnosed with stage IV cancer; the five-year survival rate for CRC is 8%, so I'm obviously aware that I'm further long into all of this, that time may be- heck, is- running down a bit. Hopefully I'll be writing one of these this time next year! I still feel well and, for as long as possible, intend to keep doing what I'm doing, living my life as I always have for as long as possible, while making/taking evermore me time, to see and share and spend time with the many great people in my life.
Best wishes to all!